A Lovely Day at the Renaissance Festival
I have wanted to go to a Renaissance festival for years, and today, I finally went with my friends! A couple girlfriends and I went to a Renaissance Festival in South Florida and had a fantastic time. The scenery was so cool; it felt like I was in the town of Frell in the movie Ella Enchanted. And I loved getting to wear my corset over a long prairie dress; I felt like I was a Mid-evil princess back in the 1600’s.
We strolled throughout the make believe Mid-evil town, and there was so much to do! There were parades, dancing, comedy shows, plays, food, arcade games, and more. I loved seeing everyone’s costumes and outfits. I wore a white corset over a lavender cottage core cotton maxi dress. I felt so feminine and beautiful! Now I want to wear a long dress and corset everyday! We did so much walking though, so I was happy to be wearing my Kate Spade sneakers with my outfit.
My friends and I very much enjoyed the entertainment. We watched a short play, a show with line dancers, and some adult comedy. We snacked on delicious cherry shaved ice. I loved walking around and taking cute, girly, and fun pictures. There was a parade, which was so fun and so upbeat. We all loved seeing the horses out and about in the parade; they were so beautiful and elegant!
The whole faire was ethereal and lively. I loved walking around the makeshift village and castles. Strolling around the town in my dress and corset, I felt like a Victorian Renaissance princess. It was like I was in a different era. My dream of being in a Disney princess in fairy tale came true! Above all, I really enjoyed being outdoors and quality time with my friends. If you’re looking for something new, fun, and different to do with your friends or family, I recommend checking out your local Renaissance festival!